

In his brilliant book Beautiful Evidence, Edward Tufte—nicknamed the Leonardo da Vinci of data by The New York Times—introduced six principles that he calls the fundamental principles of analytical design.
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We've always been fascinated by the concept of “time”. It's probably the most important concept known to mankind and has long been a major subject of study in religion, philosophy, and science.
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Edward Tufte analytical principles compared with what to find seasonality use cycle plots
Review of the book The Functional Art by Alberto Cairo

Outside the realm of hard sciences, I generally follow a simple heuristic to identify books worth reading. 1) Read books that have been in print for 15 years or so. 2) Break rule #1 for books written by authors who have in their portfolio at least one book that passes rule #1.
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Views > Data visualization

The Data-Ink ratio is a concept first introduced by Edward Tufte—in his book the Visual Display of Quantitative Information. It can be summarized—in Tufte’s own words—by the fundamental principle of statistical graphics: Above all else show the data.
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I pity tables. Most of us demote them to the bottom of the data visualization food chain—all too often for the wrong reasons. This is unfortunate because tables could be—in some instances—better than graphs at presenting information.
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Graphs are essential to good statistical analysis. Both summary statistics and graphs should be studied in any data analysis—since each will contribute to understanding.
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Anscombe Quartet